CA Student Awarded 3rd Photography Contest

by Mr. DeRosa, Commercial Arts instructor

Please join us in congratulating our very own Leanna Miller for being awarded 3rd place in the Lawrence County Conservation District 2023 Photography Contest. The competition which has been around since 2008 is focused on showcasing natural resources in Lawrence County.

She is very pumped about the financial award she received but more importantly her Digital Photography skills earned her the award out of over a hundred submissions. There were 14 awards total 1st-3rd and 11 honorable mentions.

In addition to another impressive line on her resume, Leanna's work will be displayed on the organization's website, their Facebook and social media accounts, included in their monthly newsletter, and will be on display at the Lawrence County Court House and will also be displayed at public events.

Click here to see Leanna’s photo:

Click here to see all of the photos from the photography contest:

Congratulations, Leanna! Once again (and always), we are quite proud of you!

Carolyn McVickerca