Give Back Day: SkillsUSA Week 2024

There’s something cathartic about coloring, but when you color for a good cause, it’s even better.

On Tuesday, SkillsUSA members at LCCTC are ready to return their talents to their community. SkillsUSA Member and Commercial Art student Ava King designed the cards, members of SkillsUSA colored and signed them, and SkillsUSA Member.

Once each card has been colored and signed, after school today, Health Assistant Alyssa Corbin took them to the nursing home where she works to deliver them to the residents there.

Whether it’s cutting wood and building bunk beds for a children’s camp, or sorting clothes and taking inventory for a student clothing closet, or raising money for a state initiative like Brave Gowns, or creating and coloring cards to send joy to residents in nursing homes — it’s always fun because giving back provides a sense of purpose, it encourages civic responsibility, and is often just downright enjoyable knowing that we’re making others smile.

Happy Give Back Day, SkillsUSA!