Partner Day: SkillsUSA Week 2024

We appreciate every single person and organization that supports us as we work hard to develop our job-ready skills through competition. From our friends and family to the students and staff at our school, our local community leaders, our Pennsylvania SkillsUSA leaders, and even the Executive Director of SkillsUSA, Chelle Travis — we feel their support and encouragement.

The local and national businesses and organizations that invest in our journeys can rest easy knowing that, as good stewards of their generosity, we use their donations to offset the cost of items we need, allowing us to focus on our purpose: to do our very best.

Last year, we were able to travel to the National Leadership & Skills Conference with twelve students and were blessed to return with eight medals! This would not have been possible without all of you — our Partners in SkillsUSA, and for that, we are grateful!