SkillsUSA Day: SkillsUSA Week 2024

What a week it has been!

Monday was Recognition Day where the students recognized our administration and head advisors for all their work to make sure SkillsUSA is possible at Lawrence County CTC.

Tuesday was Give Back Day where we completed yet another service project — using our talents to make cards for residents and nursing homes and reminisced about our service to Camp Kon-o-Kwee building bunk beds from scratch.

Wednesday was Partner Day where we thanked all those who support us including our National and State Executive Directors, those who chair competitions, and the businesses, industries, and individuals who help support us as we travel for competitive events.

Thursday was Advocacy Day where we put names to the faces of our 36 students who will travel to Hershey, PA for SkillsUSA State Championships in April. Their drive and determination as they prepare for state competition make the lessons experienced within the SkillsUSA Framework come alive.

Today was SkillsUSA Day. This morning, the backdrop of our Eagle Announcements featured this year’s SkillsUSA theme, “No Limits.” The Eagle Anchors wore their last year’s National SkillsUSA T-shirts to support SkillsUSA. Additionally, the members of the Opening and Closing Team created “senior jeans” featuring symbols, memorabilia, and words and phrases they hold dear to their hearts. Made with fabric paints and the magic of a Cricuit, these jeans were a fashion statement that certainly created a buzz about campus.

It’s easily evident that the students love their active involvement in SkillsUSA. This organization provided an avenue to develop those job-ready skills necessary to succeed in the workforce and in life. In fact, there are “No Limits” to what this group of kiddos can do!

Carolyn McVickerComment