The Sky's the Limit: Senior Career Day at Pyrotechnico

We had a BLAST! at Pyrotechnico!

No — quite literally, LCCTC seniors visited the Lawrence County business that helps our region boast that we are the “Fireworks Capital of the World!” And this motto could possibly be true! After all, since 1889, the pyrotechnicians have brought their fireworks to eager audiences around the World! Today, they also feature drones and special effects.

Perhaps you watched a “little” game they call the “Super Bowl” this year? Well — did you see the fireworks display? You guessed it — Pyrotechnico!

And they’re looking for hard-working, trainable like the ones we graduate from LCCTC.

Aniya Rose enjoys watching fireworks, but she was surprised she truly enjoyed the workshop that included basic fireworks display training, a facility tour, and a live-fire demonstration. A Commercial Art senior, Aniya approached the information she learned with an artistic, musical eye. “The shows they plan are color-coordinated and often are timed to music. Once I learn the ropes, this might be an area where I might contribute.”

For now, she’s excited at the prospect of working over the summertime before she starts her undergraduate education at SRU. “Once I’m trained,” Rose states. “I’ll be able to begin working as a part of their team. Perhaps I can even travel with them to assist with their fireworks displays at events.”

She continues, “With my careful attention to detail, this could be a great job for me. I’m willing to learn, so I figure — the sky’s the limit!”

Fellow Commercial Arts senior, Patrick Caravaggio agrees adding, “I am used to having a steady hand. In a job where safety is a must, this would be a very desirable trait.” Caravaggio also feels this might be an interesting place to work after graduation.

Our LCCTC seniors who attended the field trip came back with an appreciation for the work that occurs behind the scenes of the World-Class displays that paint the night sky with beauty, booms, and breathtaking oohs and aahs.