Tell Me About . . . Commercial Art!

Do you find yourself seeing beauty in the graphics on a cool t-shirt? Do you appreciate the quality of a well-designed sign? Does your attention gravitate toward eye-catching advertisements? Do you find yourself appreciating beauty everywhere?

You may be ready to take that next step and investigate how you can turn your passions into paychecks and creativity into a career with LCCTC’s Commercial Art Program!

Scroll down to learn more and to watch a video.

You can barely turn a corner without seeing something designed by a commercial artist. Everything from brands to logos to product packaging to fonts has been designed by a commercial artist. In this course, you will learn design theory and apply it to a future real-life career! You’ll learn to work with clients to meet their expectations and to impact the final look of products.

You’ll learn to convey the client’s message as you develop communication skills to understand the point of view of consumers. You’ll learn to manage your time to meet deadlines and to develop computer and mathematical skills as you demonstrate balance and space in your design. You’ll learn how to turn your creativity into a viable career.

To learn more about LCCTC’s Commercial Art program, check out our program’s page: You can also click on the APPLY TO LCCTC TODAY button at the top of this page to begin your journey toward an exciting career in Commercial Art!