Tell Me About . . . Management Information Systems!

Do you enjoy your time perched behind a keyboard and a screen? Do you often find it fun to help others find new ways to improve their own computer skills? Are you interested in the STEM field and enjoy the challenge of troubleshooting and analyzing to solve problems? Then Management Information Systems may be the right fit for you!

Scroll down to learn more and to watch a video.

You’ll be empowered by the software-driven curriculum that revolves around a plethora of industry certifications. As you study in Management Information Systems, you’ll learn to meet with clients to determine system needs and install hardware and software, and you’ll learn to ensure that systems are operating correctly. You’ll learn to maintain network and computer system security and you’ll learn to do this with the ethics and organization needed to work in this ever-changing field.

To learn more about building your career in LCCTC’s Management Information System program, check out our program’s page: You can also click on the APPLY TO LCCTC TODAY button at the top of this page to begin your journey toward an exciting career in Management Information Systems!