Tell Me About . . . Automotive Technology!

Do you like to work with your hands? to problem solve? to feel the satisfaction of fixing something?

Automotive Technology could be the program for you!

Scroll down to learn more and to watch a video.

When you study in the AT program, you’ll learn proper safety when you’re in the shop and while you use hand and power tools! You’ll be taught to measure with precision, read technical manuals, and identify problems using computerized diagnostic equipment. You’ll be given lots of practice using checklists and opportunities to test your work and fix what doesn’t work — yet. You will also have lots of opportunities to explain your steps as you go, making sure that you’re ready to work with co-workers, employers, and customers!

You’ll develop customer service skills; dexterity; mathematical, mechanical, and organizational skills, and so much more!

To learn more about LCCTC’s Automotive program, check out our webpage: You can also click on the APPLY TO LCCTC TODAY button at the top of the page to begin your journey toward an exciting career in Automotive Technology!