Girl Power: Curtis Collects Certifications

Studying Welding in “a man’s world” never intimidated this petite, pink, powerhouse. Packing a punch at about 5’ 1”, this girl is fierce; Kenna Curtis, a 2018 graduate from LCCTC, has a her eye on success!

While many girls are attracted to sparkles, it was fire and sparks that drew Kenna’s eye! “I just love everything about Welding! Ahhhh it’s all so gorgeous!” she grins.

After graduating in June, Kenna traveled 835 miles away to study welding at Midwest Technical Institute in Springfield, Missouri. Why there? Why that far? “Number one, I checked out the program at the school, and I was impressed,” she states. “Number two, my grandmother lives there, and I can stay with her while I study!”

Kenna’s final reason for traveling the 835 miles to Missouri is incredible news: “I was awarded scholarships,” she states, “so when I graduate in March 2019, the school will actually owe ME money!” That IS great news!

Though she is tiny, Kenna is mighty. To date, she has gathered three certifications: Vertical Up Bevel with 6010 Rods, Flux Core, and Bare Wire Mig.

It hasn’t been easy but Kenna has met some wonderful people along the way. “This field can be pretty competitive,” she states, “but I love the welding community. No matter who I’m with or who I meet — we’re all welders, and we eventually become family.”

Carolyn McVickerCurtis, Welding