Help Pours in Like Pie Filling: LCCTC Staff Bakes for Turkey Boxes

“We were ready to go,” states Mr. Anthony Ovial, co-Advisor for Peer Leadership at LCCTC, “With Victory Family Church generously donating toward the main meal and sides, we figured that we had all that was needed for our Turkey Dinner Drive to benefit 64 families.”

Overwhelmed by the increasing kindness of others each year, Mrs. Donna Pasterik, co-Advisor for Peer Leadership states, “Though the need has grown since we started this drive, the gifts have grown, too.”

Soon after, LCCTC was informed of the generosity from First Baptist Church and their gift to bless three additional families! Even better! Blessings for 67 families! What could go wrong?

And as the numbers of Covid-19 cases jumped, the students were sent home. Historically, Restaurant Trades students had been in charge of the pie-baking brigade, but for the past two weeks, the student kitchen at LCCTC has been pretty quiet —+

—and there was just one more need to fill.

Pasterik and Ovial turned to the teacher’s union, who had already generously donated toward the campaign, to ask for one more favor. In an email, she wrote, “We have almost everything to make our turkey box complete for our families in need.

“We are only missing one thing: pumpkin pies, and we need your help.” And that’s pretty much all it took. Like pie filling into a crust, offers to help even more started pouring in.

The next thing you know, Ms. Jen Price, restaurant trades teacher, jumped into action putting together kits complete with pumpkin pie filling and ready-to-make crusts, and the rest was history. Many kits went home with teachers, thus lightening the load for Ms. Price who incorporated the project into a lesson for her students. She also commandeered the help of Ms. McAllister, gym teacher, and Ms. Marino, teacher’s aid who were happy to step in on the fun.

“Baking pies — it was different this year,” smiles Ms. Price, “but this was still a lot of fun. The teamwork that occurs here is wonderful. We work with some great people.”

Just in time to remain fresh, were crafted by the loving hands of staff and family members (including a “Grammie” or two). The now-baked pies include an extra dash of love from home and are returning, boxed and ready to be enjoyed.

“2020 has been rough, to say the least, on all of us, and these gifts couldn’t have come at a better time for our students and their families,” Ovial states as he considers that these Thanksgiving meals will bless so many. “The generosity of the community and staff at Lawrence County has been overwhelming.”

We here at LCCTC wish all our students, their families and neighbors a safe, health-filled, and happy Thanksgiving!

Carolyn McVickerComment