Stand back! Oil and Gas Blasts Their Way Into the New School Year

by Tyler Duncan, OG Senior

“Stand back!” Mr Parson’s calls. A few other veteran voices echo his command. They know what will happen next.

Suddenly — Woosh! Muddy water explodes from the air pump, and anyone in its way is soon covered in mud — and enjoying every moment.

Students in Oil and Gas forced water down into the well using air pressure to blow the solids out from the bottom of the well. It’s what is called a “Blowout.”

The purpose of this exercise: To get deeper down into the well and to prepare the refinery. It’s just one of the many tasks that our students learn as they prepare to enter the industry.

This week students pulled the inner and outer casing in order to put a new inner casing down the well. After a heavy dose of lessons in safety and environmental impact as they learn to follow industry standards, the prep work included putting on the person protective equipment (PPE) and preparing the equipment.

At the end of the day, the OG students hung their cubbies up to dry, placed their hardhats into their proper places, and will return to learn yet another lesson that will place them in the field and well on their way to a great career.

Carolyn McVickerOG, Oil and Gas, Duncan