Doing Our Part: CA Keeps Sharp

If you were to walk into the Commercial Art Shop, you’ll hear the quiet hum of pencil to paper, of brush to canvas, and the clacking and clicking of artful fingertips to keys. They’re busy doing their part to turn art into make-sense marketable products.

Currently, there are three active projects: a mural for a local business, individually-designed passes that can be kept clean and safe with disinfectant, and a COVID-19 Cartoon that encourages safe, healthy practices. Our CA students eagerly jump into each challenge with the creativity and work ethic needed to meet the needs of the market.

LCCTC’s kids work hard to learn their trade. They practice and learn from mistakes; after all, there’s a reason a pencil has an eraser — to try again and again and , if need be, to try again. And every pencil needs to be put to a sharpener — to keep on top of its game. Lessons learned in CA can be applied to any career: Fix your mistakes and, though uncomfortable, do what you need to stay sharp.

Carolyn McVickerCA, Commercial Art