Potatoes, Onions and Broccoli with a Side of Advice

On October 4th, two of Ms. Price’s star students returned to the kitchen to share their experience in the industry with a side of good advice.

Daniella Wetzel and Lucellia Allen (Class of 2022) returned to Restaurant Trades, not just for a simple visit; they came to go to work — if you could call it that because when you are in a job you love, you never truly work a day in your life! Currently, Daniella works for Mary’s Middle Eastern Restaurant making grape leaves and preparing sauces that are sent to area grocery stores; Lucy works at Shenango on the Greens preparing healthy but delicious meals tailored to the special needs of its residents.

Their audience was made of Restaurant Trades students from the Class of 2025 - students who will quickly learn all of the tricks of the trade and will soon fill the void made by our most recent graduates.

The lesson of the day? How to make homemade soups from scratch and on the menu? Mouth-watering Loaded Baked Potato, French Onion, and Cheddar Broccoli soups. Soon, our first-year students will learn to make these soups on their own!

In addition to their demonstration, these two ladies used their public speaking skills developed through their experience as state gold medalists in SkillsUSA competitions to share these bits of advice:

Lucy’s advice: “No matter what career you are in, you need to be diligent. Having a good work ethic will take you places, and every moment spent on the clock as a conscientious worker is worth it because you’ll have earned a sense of pride in a job well done.”

Daniella’s advice: “Maintain a positive attitude, no matter what the trouble may be. Dust it off like flour at the end of the day. If your trouble comes from people who would like to see you bothered, you’ll make them frustrated thinking they didn’t get to you. Besides — it’s the professional thing to do.”

We love seeing our graduates out there thriving in the field, and when they return to share their skills and experiences with our newest students, it can be a plus!

Carolyn McVickerRT