Contagious Creativity

by El McKnight, Electrical Occupations junior

An artist’s work is a portal to their soul, each piece (dubbed a masterpiece or not) a precious reflection of self.  You can imagine the overwhelming enamor of a gallery brimming with them! 

 Teen artists from every crevice of Lawrence County submitted their work for the under-eighteen art exhibition held at the Confluence in downtown New Castle.  Here’s a special thanks to the Hoyt Center for hosting the event!  Dozens of proud family, friends, teachers, and community members attended the event to show their support and appreciation of the area’s next generation of creative artists.  A table of refreshments sat nearby for the viewing aesthetes to munch on while perusing the menagerie of artwork.

LCCTC had our own outstanding students from the Commercial Art shop submit pieces, making up about half of the ninety-five displayed at the show.  Katherine Tillia, a particularly dedicated CA junior, won second place overall for her superb fox rendition, also receiving a well-earned cash prize of $250.  The following attained honorable mentions for their enticing work:

  • Jackie Fagan, CA junior, for her digital illustration “Zodiac”.

  • Mackenzie Helle, CA senior, for her digital illustration “Share the Wealth”.

  • Jasmine Wrobleski, CA senior, for her acrylic painting “A Childhood Forgotten”.

Each on the former list received a cash prize of $50.  At LCCTC, we encourage our students to thrive in their strengths and pursue what they are passionate about.  These incredibly talented students do exactly that every day while inspiring others.  We are so proud of you all for your achievements and for sharing your pieces with the world. 

“Creativity is contagious.  Pass it on.” ~ Albert Einstein

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