Rocket League Champions: PT Cruisers

by Drake Van Horn, RT Class of 2025

An action-packed two days of Rocket League came to an end with nine teams going head-to-head for the LCCTC Rocket League Championship trophy! After the virtual dust settled on the pitch, one team rose to the top and claimed the prize.

In a best-of-three final, the PT Crusiers started hot with a goal, but Chaotic Chaos said, “No,” and scored a goal to tie the game With just 19 sec left, the PT Crusiers finished the game out with a final goal to end the first game.

In the beginning, the second game was back and forth. There were a lot of goal-line saves, but Wyatt Yanko broke through the defense, scored the first goal, and gave hope to Chaotic Chaos. Then out of the blue, Abram Deep scored a goal to tie up the game. With a few back-and-forth plays, the game traveled into overtime.

Twelve seconds into overtime, and POW! Jermey Grade scored the game-winning goal! And it’s the PT Crusiers who claim their LCCTC Rocket League Championship Trophy!

Our eSports Club is planning to bring monthly video game tournaments like the Rocket League Championship throughout the year. Be sure to be on the lookout for emails regarding upcoming school-wide tournaments hosted by eLCCTC.

Tentatively, here is the anticipated tournament schedule for the next few months (The schedule is subject to change):

  • January - Apex

  • February - Overwatch 2

  • March - Fortnite

  • April - Possible Madden Tournament / TBD

  • May - TBD

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