Perserverance and Success: Sgt. Burgess Speaks to GROWn

Sgt. Robert Burgess spoke to our GROWn group of young men on Thursday, January 4.

Sgt. Burgess explained how he joined the Army National Guard at the age of 34 after finding success in management with several large corporations. Ultimately, he joined the Army National Guard after a setback in his professional career, so he thought, but this propelled him to success in the US Armed Forces.

Sgt. Burgess spoke to students at the LCCTC about perseverance, what it takes to be successful in a field of expertise, setting 2-year and 5-year goals. Sgt. Burgess opened his playbook to what has made him successful as a recruiter for the National Guard and as a husband and father.

First, thank you for your service, Sir, and second — Thank you for visiting us and helping inspire us to be better citizens.

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